On this day: 911 False Flag Operation

The CGI is pretty crap as can be seen in the slo-mo shots in links above, you are correct.

I see a lot of flaws in the videos analayzing very low resolution and low color-range, but I'm not going to dissect these videos.

I'll say this much: there are no indications that holographic technology (bluebeam class) exists. The Tokyo Nessie footage is just a 2D projection on mist.

Possibly you are correct in this, not sure whether they have unknown technology in reserve.

I came across this excellent visualization of how the WTC towers were constructed and how come they collapsed. I feel it effectively conveys the structural robustness of the towers and explains why they collapsed.

Is anyone able to (without jumping to another subject or using logical fallacies) find any illogical details, or dishonesties in this particular video, please?

Bury your feelings deep down Cybe. They could be used to serve the emperor

Looks like an updated Popular Mechanics Report, with 9m views in 3 months looks like someone is pushing the algorithms on this one....to keep people trappped in the matrix "Hive Mind" I suspect, the 2 minutes I watched certainly won't convert anyone who knows the truth. An Indian Bill Nye, The "Science Guy".


So what details in the video do you feel? know? to be false, and why?

One doesnt have to go beyond the point of aluminium skinned plane slicing through steel, which is impossible all the rest is a fairy tale as is that...

The lampost here is a far lighter object than the plane and probably not even steel yet it cuts into the wing easily. I won't bother arguing beyond this point, as we know the 9/11 footage shows the total penetration of the building including all the wings, it's fantasy.

So you mean it's as impossible to penetrate as let's say a ping-pong ball through a paddle?

You have been shown footage of bird strikes, planes going into walls etc, also the impossible speeds measured at that altitude etc etc, of course nothing you present ever covers any of this as the articles are aimed at people who are "believers" they never want to point them in other directions. I could add the obvious explosions seen and reported, molten metal pools, high temperatures recorded for days after, of course none of this is covered in this simplistic cartoon presentation of yours. I would rather listen to 3,000 architects and engineers than some guy in Puna India.

Here's a video of a ping-pong ball going through a ping-pong paddle:

A bird doing damage to a jetplane is not proof that it would have been impossible for the planes to do what they did to the WTC towers nor is a small jetplane slammed into a concrete wall.

I believe the discussion and material presented in this discussion is solid stuff:-

Well, I had hoped to discuss just this particular "simplistic cartoon presentation" (nice straw man) video and point out any inconsistencies and problems in it instead of expanding the subject with more details to go through.

1100 Miles an hour ping pong ball, so are you claiming the planes were flying at this speed?

It's a cartoon presentation. A cartoon presentation of a buckling girder is no proof at all, its a Theory.

Gerry Fornino, FBI bomb technician, says that "heat was 3,000 - 4,000 degrees”.

Do you think this was caused by aircraft fuel? This is the claim of your video that aircraft fuel fires caused the ultimate collapse of the building, so these points are totally relevant. Perhaps if you expanded your research outside the realms of the mainstream you would find all this information you seem to be unaware of. It isn't just buckling there is physical evidence of lots of molten steel. Why on earth would i take your 9m view link seriously this guy is just making up a theory to match the official narrative? Seems like the Dunning-Kruger effect eh?

Can a commercial jetliner fly above 500 mph at seal level?

911 false flag


There is a contention that at the core of the September 11th attack, someone was planning to cover the 1991 issuance of $240 billion in covert securities used to finance the collapse of the Soviet Union. The facts surrounding the financial aftermath of September 11 suggest this is not only possible, but that reports describing the aftermath have deliberately been misleading. https://www.wanttoknow.info/911/Collateral-Damage-911-black_eagle_fund_trust.pdf