On this day: 9/11 False Flag Operation


Klaus Schwab was in NYC on 9 11 2001

What are the chances eh, that this was a coincidence?

Video: Mark Dankof on 9-11

Mark Dankof’s infamous Video on 9-11 was posted by Conley Tre for Daily Motion on the 22nd Anniversary of the attacks in New York.

The original text of the Mark Dankof interview for investigative reporter Kourosh Ziabari and the Fars News Agency was later picked up a few years ago by Katehon and Geopolitika.

VIDEO AT LINK is now below:

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New Evidence Against 9/11 Plotters (VIDEO)

By The Michelle Moore Show

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


9/11 Methodical Illusion -Airline Flight Attendant Reveals What Really Happened On 9/11

Monday, September 11, 2023

9/11 Methodical Illusion -Airline Flight Attendant Reveals What Really Happened On 9/11 (Feb 7, 2015 Interview)

Dan Bidondi interviews Former Airline Flight Attendant Rebekah Roth who is now a Author of “Methodical Illusion” a book that reveals untold information never told before about the Government False Flag attack on September 11th, 2001

9/11 Methodical Illusion -Airline Flight Attendant Reveals What Really Happened On 9/11 (2015)

9/11 Methodical Illusion -Airline Flight Attendant Reveals What Really..

9/11: Twenty-Two Years On

by tts-admin | Sep 12, 2023

Off-Guardian – Sept 11, 2023

Today marks twenty-two years since the towers – all three of them – fell in New York. The 9/11 attacks are a subject OffG has always rated as vitally important to understanding the modern world, and we have devoted a lot of coverage to it over the years.

This year, as well as new content, we would like to present this index of the best we have produced over the years.

The Physical Evidence

If you’re interested in scientifically debunking the “official story”, or in the true story the data tells, we have published scientific papers and countless columns on the actual physical evidence.

“On the Physics of High Rise Building Collapse” (Jones et al.) is a foundational paper on this subject. For the sake of fairness, we have also published Screw Loose Change’s attempted debunking of it.

More recently Kevin Ryan’s 2022 article “How to Debunk Thermite on 9/11” does a brilliant job of defending the explosive demolition theory from skeptics on both sides.

And more specifically, we ask simple questions such as “Why did NIST assume steel does not conduct heat?” or “Why did NIST experts claim there was no evidence of extreme heat?”

The Legacy

The political legacy of 911 is ongoing and impossible to overstate. This has been examined in dozens of articles over the years, including “The Tyranny of 9/11” and “15 Years of the War on Terror” and “Looking at the False-Flag after 18 Years”

The Cover-Up

If you’re looking for evidence of duplicity on the part of the media or other members of the establishment, maybe you’d be interested to see WTC owner Larry Silverstein going off-script by claiming they decided to “pull” WTC7. Or BBC reporter Jane Standley reporting the collapse of WTC half an hour before it happened (or read the BBC’s pathetic defense of same).

If you’re in the mood for a laugh, here’s the least convincing eye-witness you’ll ever see:

Please see video in article. Thank-you.

The Pandemic

If you’re interested in how 9/11 is related to the Covid19 “pandemic”, we produced an entire series of videos where experts from varying fields discuss that subject: Covid19/11.

Alongside that there were numerous articles on Covid as the new “forever war” as a successor to the “war on Terror”.

As early as March 2020, Professor Piers Robinson was warning of the use of “Propaganda of terror and fear” and relating 9/11 to Covid, and Whitney Webb wrote of “the politics of fear and self-preservation” to mark 9/11 20th birthday.

Kevin Ryan’s presentation on the parallels between the two is a must-watch.

The Books

Over the years we have published reviews of many books concerning 9/11, including works by both the late Graeme MacQueen and the late David Ray Griffin.

The Documentaries

If you’re planning some viewing and want some long-form documentaries, well you can watch the BBC’s Conspiracy files, and then read 9/11 Blogger’s response to it. If you want some decently honest documentaries, we would recommend ZERO: An Investigation Into 9/11, September 11: The New Pearl Harbour, and of course Loose Change, a foundational text in 9/11 truth.

In 2018 AE911Truth produced “Explosive Evidence”, in which chemists, physicists, engineers and other expert witnesses dismantle the “science” supporting NIST’s findings. And 2019’s 9/11 Whistleblowers details all the people who have come forward with stories that contradict the establishment fairy tale.

And finally, for the best short video on 9/11, you can’t go wrong with James Corbett’s 911: A Conspiracy Theory.

…we’re also very partial to our own 9 Demolitions and 1 Fire:

Nine Demolitions and One "Fire"

For more information, see our dedicated 9/11 page for eyewitness accounts, personal histories, legal challenges and more.


Inside the forgotten third World Trade building occupied by CIA that burned down on 9/11

And though much remains unanswered, one thing is certain: the legacy of Building 7’s collapse will remain an enigmatic and contentious chapter in the history of that tragic day.


The [WTC-7] New York office was a base of operations to spy on and recruit foreign diplomats stationed at the United Nations while debriefing selected American business executives and others willing to talk to the CIA after returning from overseas.