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By James Rathey

mRNA in Animals: Roger Meacock, the gentle vet who roars

Friday, September 22, 2023
Source: UK Column

Discussion of mRNA ‘medicines’ from a vet’s perspective—details that perhaps our human-medicine doctors are missing. Read the write-up at:

As the world has been engulfed in the phenomenon of novel mRNA injections in humans, how many have considered what is happening in the animal kingdom? Are mRNA vaccine platforms being rolled out in animals, as we have been led to believe, and are the stories of mRNA contamination through meat all that they seem?

Roger Meacock BVSc MRCVS is a consultant veterinary surgeon and one of a kind. The phrase ‘Do No Harm’ means as much in the world of veterinary medicine as it does in human medicine. As he has been at the forefront of quantum veterinary medicine in the UK for the last 25 years, many refer to him as ‘one of a kind’ or the ‘last-chance vet’. Roger Meacock goes the extra mile and will often see animals who are too sick to be treated with established medicine. Whilst he never promises the impossible, if he thinks he can help, he normally can. He can be contacted at his practice
In this interview, Roger Meacock reveals the truth about the use of mRNA injection platforms in animals and his serious concerns surrounding the effects that these has on animals, as well as regarding the role it will play within the food chain. How many animals are receiving mRNA injections, and how do vets view it? Meacock also discusses prion disease and how it can be linked to ‘mad cow disease’ (BSE) and the human equivalent (vCJD). Is there a potential link to mRNA technology? As Meacock emphasises, he is not infallible in his suspicion that there is; however, until appropriate studies and research have been carried out, we will never know.

mRNA in Animals: Roger Meacock, the gentle vet who roars