The video below is the full presentation by Dr. Robert Willner in 1994. He connects the use of drugs (pharmaceutical and street drugs) as the cause of AIDS, not a virus. He specifically notes the use of "poppers" (amyl nitrate) which was commonly used at that time by the sodomites. Intravenous street drug users also were dying from AIDS and they obviously were taking into their bodies all sorts of illicit drugs (both pharmaceutical and street drugs). Hence, the cause of AIDS being drug use (toxins introduced into the body that is already compromised for one reason or another) as the cause for death by AIDS makes sense. Additionally, "poppers" and any of the street drugs injected like heroin or cocaine could easily have been spiked with a toxin that kills. See also: small pox vaccine in Africa caused death by AIDS, not a virus.
Virus Deception History: Dr Robert Willner 1994
Dr. Robert Willner, author of the famous book "Deadly Deception", proved that viruses do not cause disease. He supported the Terrain Theory and debunked the idea that sex and HIV cause AIDS. "The Bubonic plague killed half the population of Europe. The question you must ask and must answer, if you are going to be a rational thinking human being is why didn't it kill the other half? In United States, in 1919, 18 million people died of the flu. My question is why didn't it kill the other 92 million die? The answer to that and every reporter owes it to their readers is very simple, the bugs do not cause the disease, unless there is a suitable terrain. So the answer to all disease is not to take the shotgun and blow a human being apart, but to simply prevent the disease to begin with, by living at peace and in harmony, not only with your fellow human beings, but every organism on this planet."