Thank-you for the post.
Yes, and the metaphorical apple was not an apple. As soon as Eve partook of the apple (lie) and then Adam followed suit, the illusion/matrix/confusion began. What a horrible thing. We are the Adams and Eves able (Abel) to overcome the trance or spell that occurred upon eating that apple (lie). Humanity has been given a Blessed opportunity to follow The Lord.
Below is an excerpt from The Way home or face The Fire:
The simple story of Adam’s sons, Cain and Abel, seems also never to have been understood. God told Cain and Abel, after their parents had already been disobedient, that the ONLY offering He would accept from them, was a LAMB (foreshadowing the LAMB of God - CHRIST and his “SELF”-crucifixion).
Abel obeyed God and brought a lamb, EXACTLY as he was told to do, and was ACCEPTED. Cain, just like his parents, disobeyed God and he brought the fruit of the earth, and was REJECTED.
In other words, unless you approach God, EXACTLY as He has told you to do (I am The Way, no man comes to the Father, except by me - the Lamb of God - John 14:6), and NOT as your parents and siblings have done, YOU will be REJECTED.
People say that there are many paths to God, and there are thousands of different religious doctrines, ALL claiming theirs is the right and only one, but there are thousands of them. God says there is only ONE way (John 14:6), and that very few there be that find it (Matt. 7:14). Jesus has told you, in Rev. 12:9, that Satan has deceived the whole world (ALL of YOU), because you are ALL trying to approach God your OWN way, like Cain did, and have been REJECTED (“Go away from me, you who work iniquity - inequity, I do not know you” - Matt. 7:23 & 25:11, 12, 41; “Why call ye me Lord, Lord and do NOT do the things that I say?” - Matt. 7:21 & 25:11 & Luke 6:46 & 13:25).
The people who say that there are many paths to God, (and/or that theirs is the right one) are ALL calling God a LIAR, (Rev. 12:9 & Matt. 7:15) so you know what is going to happen to them (Woe unto those who call good [truth], evil [lies]) - “The FIRE” (Isaiah 5:20)(Matt. 25:41).
God told Abel and Cain the ONLY way and unless you do it EXACTLY, in minute and exact detail, The Way God has told you, you will be rejected, just like clever, disobedient Cain was.
Abel in humble, loving trust and obedience brought his lamb.
Cain in arrogant disobedience; thinking he knew best and could do as he liked; was rejected, even though he brought more than Abel did.