Intermission - Positive Thoughts and Reports

:slight_smile: intresting.
But I know it as:

Fee! Fie! Foe! Fum!
I smell the blood of an Englishman.
Be he 'live, or be he dead,
I'll grind his bones to make my bread.

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Lots of Giants in Britain mentioned in the Bruts. Even one called Gogmagog, who was slain by one of Brutus' companions Corenius, by hurling him off a cliff near Totnes. A cliff in this area is still called Giant's Leap.


Did they teach you that at school?

:grinning: No. Although a 100 years or so ago they will still teaching King Arthur as an historical figure for instance. I always wondered what Barrows were as a kid, probably giant's burial mounds in most cases I reckon.

chronicle_of_the_early_britons.pdf (556.0 KB)

Chronicle of the Early Britons

This document, translated by Bill Cooper from the Welsh copy (Jesus College MS LXI), gives the history of the Britons from the fall of Troy and the arrival of Brutus in Britain, to the time when they were defeated by the Saxons and driven into Wales.

The early history of Britain is usually presented in schools in nondescript terms such as stone age, bronze age and iron age. It fails to identify any real people, until the arrival of Julius Caesar in 55BC. Yet there is more than a thousand years of documented British history that pre-dates the arrival of the Romans. This history is given in a Welsh document, described by Bill Cooper in the first paragraph of his Introduction is as follows:

There lies in an Oxford library a certain old and jaded manuscript. It is written in medieval Welsh in an informal cursive hand, and is a 15th-century copy of a 12th-century original (now lost). Its shelfmark today is Jesus College MS LXI, but that has not always been its name. For some considerable time it went under the far more evocative name of the Tysilio Chronicle, and earlier this century a certain archaeologist made the following observation concerning it. The year was 1917, the archaeologist was Flinders Petrie, and his observation was that this manuscript was being unaccountably neglected by the scholars of his day. It was, he pointed out, perhaps the best representative of an entire group of chronicles in which are preserved certain important aspects of early British history, aspects that were not finding their way into the published notices of those whose disciplines embraced this period.

The first English translation was by Peter Roberts in 1811, and a second edition was published in 1862, but in 1917 it had become so rare that Flinders Petrie (1) was unable to obtain a copy, and had to get one of the British Museum copies type-written so that he could do his research. Things are rather better now, because a facsimile reprint of the 1811 edition is available (2). We would be impoverished if the work of Peter Roberts was the only existing translation of this important history. There should always be more than one scholar looking at the same manuscripts, and giving us their comments on the text.

Bill Cooper's version comes with 574 footnotes of linguistic, historical and geographical interest, and has been scrutinized for accuracy by Ellis Evans, Professor of Celtic Studies at Jesus College. However, every attempt to publish it has failed, because it was sent out to modernist reviewers who advised against publication. Now, at last, it is allowed to see the light of day, thanks to modern technology, so that readers can make up their own minds and decide for themselves whether or not this is a true account of the British history.


Enoch-ing on Heavens door

They never mention the giants/nephilim when it comes to the worldly mysteries

I think Israelites were protected from them, and they breed with Cains seed. Who seemed to be in the British Isles first?

The Welsh were the Tribe of Judah Pharez, we migrated to Britain under Brutus in around 500BC, we became the Trojans along the journey. Hiding the true history was the reason the language was suppressed for many years.

Luke 12:2

β€œFor there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.”


You don't get more Welsh than "Gareth".....

Exactly, my eldest son's name too.

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I was just thinking, how can the truth come out, then you added the quote from Luke.

I doubt a fraction of a percent know their real origins. Its a pity because the truth is stranger than fiction.


If Covid19 is to depopulate the Earth, and they get away with it, just like 911 7/7 etc does that prove the Earth is overpopulated?

The House of Windsor know they are Judah, and we know The Lord is Ephraim, so i have been able to identify others from that tribe.


At the end of the video are quotes about them being in the land of darkness.

The British Isles is dark for Autumn and Winter even during the day, but as you say it could be spiritually dark.

I enjoyed the video and appreciate your effort compiling the information. It is a shame there aint any comments.

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The Lord did say that the earth is overpopulated:

An E.T. Visit and its Purpose.

"Be not afraid , we are not hostile. Be not afraid , we are not hostile. We mean you no harm," said the E.T. and invited the human+Being onboard the space-craft.

The Extra-terrestrial, who said that the human+Being could call him Xeno (foreigner), described his Utopian society to the human+Being:- "As you know it, we have no sickness, we have no crimes, we have no police force. We have no schools - our young are taught at an early age to do a job, which they do very well. Because of our long life expectancy we have a VERY STRICT BIRTH-CONTROL . We have no money. We live as one ." (The Lord our God is One-ness - JAH)

The Catholic Church's Views on Contraception.

In recent years there has been a lot of controversy surrounding the catholic church's views on contraception. To clarify this matter, we should look at on what grounds the church claims that contraception is not permissible.

The church uses the following Bible reference as means to back-up their false claim that contraception is wrong and that God condemns those who practice it. This is in fact a mis-interpretation taken by the church of what really happened, and is the real reason why Onan, Judah's second born was killed.

38:6 And Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn, whose name [was] Tamar.
38:7 And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the "I AM"; and the "I AM" slew him.
38:8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother.
38:9 And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled [it] on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother.
38:10 And the thing which he did displeased the "I AM": wherefore He slew him also.

In The Torah, which is the name given to God's Laws; Statutes; Judgments; Agricultural Policy; Economic Policy and Healthy Balanced Diet, which were handed down to Moses by God, on top of Mt. Horeb in Sinai and are the only Laws that apply on Earth in God's Eyes, it clearly states that the first born of each family is the beginning of the family's strength (Gen. 49:3; Deut. 21:17). It also states that when the first born of a family-line dies, the next oldest brother is obliged to serve his wife in his place, so that the family line is not broken (as is explained in verse 38:8 above and is repeated in the Old Testament Book of Ruth). So, in reality, the reason why God slew Onan was because of Onan's selfishness, in not honouring his Lawful obligation to serve his older brother's wife in his place, not because he had spilled seed on the ground as an act of contraception, as the catholic church has completely mis-interpreted it to be.

Because of the church's mis-interpretation of the above verses and their policy of not allowing contraception, for their own ends, the world is over-populated and problems have occurred at various times in history, which have caused food-shortages and other unnecessary suffering, such as the Great Famine of 1845-52 in Ireland, when millions of Irish people perished due to a lack of potatoes to feed the exploding population.
