Here Comes Satan: Run Like Hell!

There is one CHRISTmas Day we should take note of as a token/sign from God.

ONLY ONE December 25th should be remembered in HIS-STORY. And this particular December 25th was chosen to get the world's attention - of which it did - news spread far and wide across the globe:

The Coronation Stone wasn't "stolen" from Westminster Abbey on that fateful day. It was OVERTURNED in fullfillment of prophecy.

The 25th of December in 1950 was the dethroning of the British monarch, exactly as prophesied, and marked the beginning of the fourth and final overturn to Christ. The Pillar-Stone being removed on CHRISTmas day also serves as a clue, indicating the Stone is being reserved for Christ (Shiloh/Rest – Gen. 49:10, Matt. 11:28), Who MUST likewise be here now, also exactly as prophesied. [QUOTE FROM A True Christmas Miracle]

Ezek. 21:27 I will overturn (1), overturn (2), overturn (3), it: and it shall be no [more], [overturned] UNTIL he come whose Right it is; and (4) I will give it [him - Shiloh/Christ (Genesis 49 v 10)].

The fourth overturn began on 25/12/50 when Ian Hamilton and friends kindly removed the Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey and took it from David, who was from both the Judah line of David (Gen. 49:10) and also was called prince David, who had become king Edward the 8th and outlived his stand-in - George the 6th, fulfilling, exactly, Christ's own prophecy to his Apostle John in his Revelation to John (Rev. 22:16)

FROM The Lia Fail - Bethel Stone. (The British Coronation Stone: its distant origin; 4,000 year history and amazing future. But where is it now? Read on, right to the end, to find out how it affects you.)

Ian Hamilton, a Scottish Nationalist, studying law at Glasgow University; not realising that he was being inspired by God to do it in fulfillment of His Prophecy to Ezekiel; decided something had to be done about recovering The Stone from England, and, when he met Kay Matheson at the Covenant party in October 1950, he found her in a similar frame of mind. He got money from a Glasgow businessman who had been involved in the previous nineteen-thirties attempt to liberate The Stone.

In the early hours of Christmas morning (clue) in 1950, the Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny) was removed from Westminster Abbey by four Scottish Nationalists:- Kay Matheson, Ian Hamilton, Gavin Vernon and Alan Stuart, and taken back to Scotland, with the assistance of two new members of the team: Johnny Josselyn and Bill Craig.

Big Ben struck 4 a.m. as Kay Matheson drove the Anglia into a lane at Palace Yard by the Abbey. Ian Hamilton parked the known car on nearby Millbank. She stayed in the car as the other broke into the Abbey near Poets' Corner and made for the Confessor's Chapel. Hamilton laid his coat reverently on the ground to receive the Stone, but it wouldn't budge.* He pulled one of the rings, and suddenly it was sliding towards him as easily as though THE HANDS OF ANGELS WERE HELPING.

The Coronation Stone that Elizabeth and Charles sat on was a fake. And Christ awaits the time He will sit on Jacob's Pillar Stone. That will be a real CHRISTmas day.

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