Gibraltar Deaths After Covid Vaccine Push

The UK has the adverse effects reporting database – Yellow Card, run by Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency [MHRA].

The USA has the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System VAERS database to report adverse effects, run by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

Europe has its own adverse events reporting system for drugs and vaccines, called EUDRA (or EudraVigilance). It now has data for the Covid vaccines, run by the The European Medicines Agency (EMA). See also New EudraVigilance website.

According to Former NYT reporter, Alex Berenson (in a twitter thread), he recently looked at EUDRA, noting -

  1. EUDRA contains 58,000 reports for the Pfizer vaccine alone, including about 730 deaths.

  2. Now some are multiple reports from one person, since the database has 27,000 individual reports (nearly all ages 18-64). But at least 295 individual deaths have been reported, bc each report is sorted by type of adverse event, and the "general disorders" category has 295...

  3. Maybe 13 million doses have been given in Europe (nearly all first doses), so both death and overall adverse event rates are running far higher than the US.

Alex also wrote and provided this image:

Of note, there have been 8 reports of "SPONTANEOUS ABORTIONS," i.e. miscarriages. Six were in healthcare workers

Source: Twitter @AlexBerenson posted 4:14 PM · Feb 3, 2021