Gibraltar and Post-Brexit


Yes, we have a GSLP/Liberal Government, but are they doing right for us in the circumstances? There is no way to tell due to the secrecy, nor is there a real choice between parties left to voters, unless Gibexit is finalised before the next general election. Even then, the choice will have been limited by what will have happened at Gibexit, or if nothing has happened, precisely by that nothingness.

There is little choice for mainly two basic reasons.

First, the current Government has total control of what Gibraltar faces following Brexit. That does not mean that it will do things right. It is doing them the way it wants to, as restricted by the reality of the circumstances and situations that Gibraltar finds itself in, but without openness and transparency.

No other party or grouping is going to want to take up the poison chalice, thereby risking the blame for any downside caused by situations and the decisions over Gibexit made by the GSLP-Liberal Government, led by Fabian Picardo and Joseph Garcia.


Secondly, The GSD Opposition is by the wayside. It does little to nothing. It certainly does not hold the Government to account. A huge failing when we are faced by an issue as large as Gibexit. That your ability to act is limited by your lack of power? Well find ways, that is what you are paid for!

It is that failing which allow the Government to get away with acting as it does, freely and without constraint. A huge danger when we are faced with the enormity of what Gibexit is.


Let us hope that Mr. Picardo and Mr. Garcia get Gibexit right. Gibraltar is not renowned for being kind to political leaders and parties that get it wrong in a manner that affects sovereignty or individual pockets and lives.

If there is a downside, and there probably will be, the sooner the public is informed of it, the safer our political leaders will be. It is time to stop playing the politics of populism, which is what Mr. Picardo continuously plays. Those politics do not work when crisis hits.

Continued at link.