Gaza 2023/24

Al-Qassam Unveils M-90 Rocket Following Three Barrages On ‘Tel Aviv’



(Below) is an excerpt from The Illuminati and The Protocols.

It is a call to the attention of those who may have been born into the current age of suppression and propaganda, and have yet to recoup some of this information which until very recently was openly discussed on a global scale. However, since the triumphs of Zionism and the further implementation of mass mind / information control since the Second World War, with regards to anything remotely Jewish, such information has been buried through censorship and revision of history-books by the very power which imposed the conspiracy in the first place. The Protocols make it quite clear that 'anti-semitism', meaning 'anti-Judaic', is an 'indispensable' part of the plan for world domination. It will be used for 'the management of our lesser brethren'. This document makes chilling reading for both Jews and Gentiles alike when one looks back to the treatment of Jewry during the Second World War; that a self-appointed elite should be willing to sacrifice and allow the persecution of their 'lesser brethren', for the greater aim of world domination, should be a wake-up-call to all of Jewry, the vast majority of whom constitute what the authors of the Protocols deem to be 'lesser brethren'.

'Anti-Semitic' is a phrase which means 'against Semites' but has come to be used solely as meaning 'anti-Jewish'. The irony inherent in this ill-used phrase is that the Semitic Arabs are actually amongst the greatest victims in the crime and fraud known as Zionism, in which Russian Jews, who are racially non-Semitic, in the first half of the Twentieth Century, fostered and executed a plan (as prophesied by God through Ezekiel 11:15) to create an officially recognised Jewish homeland in Palestine. The result of which was the mass displacement and persecution of the indigenous Arab citizens. This is without doubt 'anti-semitism' at its worst. And yet to state this plain fact openly today is to invite the accusation of being 'anti-Semitic'! I will also show in this work that the ordinary Jewish people, unbeknownst to themselves, have been victims to the same ancient agenda and are considered by the Elders to be necessary sacrifices to their cause.

Ayatollah Khamenei: "The Barbaric Zionist Actions... have also disgraced Western civilization..."

Ayatollah Khamenei: "The Barbaric Zionist Actions... have also disgraced...


Palestinians arrive for burial in a mass grave in Rafah: previously stolen by the Israelis, many came in pieces with organs missing.



TRT World's Rahul Radhakrishnan is in Hudaida, where he visited the Galaxy Leader - the first ship to be captured back in November. Aired 28Dec2023.


Gaza Responds: ‘In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
We highly appreciate South Africa's initiative to file a request in the International Court of Justice to commence investigations against the criminal "Israeli" entity for committing the genocide against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. South Africa's move is an important step towards holding the leaders of the entity, the criminals of our age, accountable for the most heinous massacres known to humanity in our contemporary history.

South Africa files case at ICJ over Israel's 'genocidal acts' in Gaza



Moment pro-Palestine protesters throw leaflets over balcony of London's Science Museum in latest anti-Israel demo

Video footage shows the moment pro-Palestinian protesters targeted London’s Science Museum as they demanded a ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas on Wednesday as they threw leaflets over the building’s balcony.

Campaign group Parents for Palestine unfurled a banner one one of the upper floors of the museum and tipped hundreds of leaflets into the air as they chanted: ‘Ceasefire now’.

Protesters held a large sign reading ‘stop arming Israel’ as they called for the museum to end its sponsorship by international company Adani, who the group claims has partnerships with arms companies.

Leaflets dropped over the balcony bore the Palestinian flag and the names of children killed in the Gaza Strip since the outbreak of conflict on October 7.

US drawn onto Israeli path -- one difficult to exit without catastrophe

Whilst Israeli Security Minister Gallant talks about close to another year of fighting in Gaza, the IDF Southern Command's plans estimate the conflict at one to two years, with more forces deployed along the border with Gaza, and more troops being stationed along the Lebanese border throughout 2024 – “even if there is no further escalation”.

What is being said here is plain enough: The Israelis thought its war on Hamas in Gaza would be quick and easy, given its immense firepower and past experience. Instead, they are shocked to find themselves struggling to stay afloat in a deepening rubble quagmire -- in Gaza, in the north, and in the West Bank too.

One man -- a retired Maj. General Brik, a highly respected military officer -- warned PM Netanyahu personally that a quagmire trap in Gaza was a true risk. The military establishment did not like hearing his warning. Now it is clear; Major General Brik was right. He said a few days ago that ‘the number of Hamas casualties on the ground is much lower than what the IDF reports. It is evident that the IDF spokesperson and the security echelon seek to falsely portray the war as a great victory. For this purpose, they bring in recruited media from major television channels to Gaza to film [fake] victory scenes’.

Another retired Israeli General said of Hamas:

“I cannot see any signs of collapse of the military abilities of Hamas – nor in their political strength with in Gaza”.

In addition, Israel has another quagmire-like problem in the north: Israel began its provocation against Hizbullah from the outset of the war in Gaza -- hoping to prepare the ground for American support for a parallel attack to cripple Hizbullah.

Hizbullah, however, responded by shelling the northern territories of "Israel", forcing up to 230,000 Israelis to evacuate their homes. And now, those residents flatly refuse to return home until Hizbullah is removed from the Lebanese border area.

Israeli Defence Minister Gallant promised them this would be done (Hizbullah displaced to north of the Litani River), and the US acquiesced to this initiative, subject only to the attempt to achieve it, first, by diplomatic means -- a highly unlikely prospect. In sum, The Israelis and the Biden Administration are being slowly, but surely, drawn into a conflict with Hizbullah.

Indeed, the Biden Administration is drawn into conflicts with Ansar Allah over their siege of Israeli-linked shipping traversing the Red Sea; and in Iraq, with US military retribution for Iraqi militia assaults on US bases both in Syria and Iraq.

The war fronts are multiplying, and the domestic Israeli schism too, has been aggravated by the 8-7 Supreme Court ruling on 31 December, led by its President Esther Huyut on her last day in office in the Supreme Court. The ruling restored the clause allowing the Court to overturn any decision by Parliament and the government it deems ‘unreasonable’ (on the basis of a private petition to the Court). One implication is that further petitions might centre on government conduct in anticipation of -- and during -- the war. The Justices might well find that conduct too to be ‘unreasonable’.

The ruling underlines an Israeli society both split down the middle, and floundering. Even as it finds itself drawn deeper, and for longer, into military quagmires from which it lacks any off-ramp.

Israeli historian, Professor Moshe Zimmerman, has pointed out the underlying cause to the state of deep angst in "Israel". He writes:

“The event of October 7, a pogrom on the soil of Israel, in the State of Israel, is a turning point in our assessment of the success of Zionism, and a turning point in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict … I look at what happened and I say: The Zionist solution is not [really] a solution. We are arriving at a situation in which the Jewish people who live in Zion live in a condition of total insecurity, and not for the first time …” .

“The moment a pogrom against Jews takes place in the Jewish state, the Zionist state, both the state and Zionism are testifying to their own failure. Because the idea underlying the establishment of a Zionist state was to prevent a situation like that”.

And what is the cause?

"Jewish nationhood in the Land of Israel went through a process of nationalism, racialism and ethnocentrism. It created a situation of being unable to reach a modus vivendi with the neighbouring world”.

He warns:

“… The story of 'Greater Israel' and the settlements is the story of a society that is becoming a hostage to a biblical romanticism that is sweeping the whole society to perdition. And that is the problem: Once you have embarked on the path, it's difficult to leave it without undergoing another catastrophe. That happened to Germany in 1945 in the most drastic way. We obviously do not want a catastrophe like that”.

It is onto this path -- without any sustained peaceful end -- that America is being drawn. Professor Zimmerman’s point about states’ deviation from course causing them to eschew a modus vivendi with the world around them has perhaps, a wider pertinence.


No more trust toward West for failing to stop Gaza tragedy — Erdogan

Their fascist faces have been exposed.


(Israeli-Palestinian conflict - TASS)

The Turkish leader said Ankara was exerting great efforts for the sake of ending various conflicts, recalling the Istanbul talks on a settlement in Ukraine in March 2022

ISTANBUL, January 19. /TASS/. There is no more trust toward the West, which has not taken any steps to prevent the crisis in Gaza, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has said.

The organizations whose tasks include ensuring global security have failed, of which the conflict between Israel and Palestine is an example, he stated.

"There is no more trust towards the Western countries that have failed the test on the Gaza issue. Their fascist faces have been exposed. They have not taken a single step to prevent violence. The organizations tasked with global security, just as in Iraq, Bosnia, Syria and Somalia, have suffered a fiasco. They have confined themselves to idly watching acts of genocide and barbarism committed against the people of Palestine by the 'Fuehrer of Modern Times,' [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu," Erdogan said at a handover ceremony for the Turkish Navy’s new warships, held at the Yalova shipyard in the Sea of Marmara near Istanbul, telecast by the TRT Haber channel.

Erdogan said Turkey was exerting great efforts for the sake of ending various conflicts. In particular, he recalled the Istanbul talks on a settlement in Ukraine in March 2022.

"The importance of the process we initiated when the conflict between Russia and Ukraine had lasted several months is better understood today. Had that process, which the military lobbies sought to sabotage, achieved its goal, tens of thousands would have not lost their lives. We see that those who criticized us then, today express agreement with us. Rest assured that the same repentance will eventually be evoked by the tragedy in Gaza. Those who turn a blind eye on the massacres being committed by Israel in Gaza will face disastrous consequences," Erdogan said.


20 JAN, 13:47

Israel destroyed over 70% of buildings in Gaza Strip — Palestinian Foreign Ministry

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said that during over 100 days, Israeli troops killed about 10,000 children

RABAT, January 20. /TASS/. The IDF destroyed over 70% in the Gaza Strip during the hostilities, which have already lasted for over one hundred days, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said, speaking at the 19th meeting of heads of states and governments of the Non-Aligned Movement, which takes place in the Ugandan capital city of Kampala.

"The Israeli army has destroyed over 70% of houses and building in the Gaza Strip. Almost 2 million of Palestinians have become displaced, half of them being children. During over 100 days, Israeli troops killed about 10,000 children. Additional 10,000 people —mainly women and children are buried under the debris," the minister said, according to WAFA.

"There is a horrifying situation in the Gaza Strip because of the genocidal war, initiated by Israel, the campaign of mass murder, systematic extermination of the Palestinian people in the enclave," the Foreign Minister underscored.

The situation in the Middle East sharply escalated following an incursion of Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip into Israel on October 7. Hamas has cast the attack as a response to Israeli actions against the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Israel has declared a complete siege of the Gaza Strip and started a military operation there. Israel also strikes parts of Lebanon and Syria in retaliation for bombardments originating from these countries. Clashes are also taking place in the West Bank.



Israeli shelling continues at Nasser hospital's main building


Only 16 of Gaza’s 36 hospitals remain operational, UN chief says

Antonio Guterres said earlier that over 150 United Nations employees had been killed in Israeli strikes on the Palestinian enclave

UNITED NATIONS, January 24. /TASS/. Only 16 of 36 hospitals in the Gaza Strip remain operational, which increases the risk of infectious disease outbreaks, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said.

"Only 16 of Gaza’s 36 hospitals are even partly functional. Disease is spreading as the health system collapses. The people of Gaza not only risk being killed or injured by relentless bombardments; they also run a growing chance of contracting infectious diseases," he wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

The UN chief said earlier that over 150 United Nations employees had been killed in Israeli strikes on the Palestinian enclave.

Tensions in the Middle East flared up again on October 7, 2023, after militants from the radical Palestinian group Hamas launched a surprise incursion into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip, killing residents of border communities and taking people hostage. In response, Israel announced a total blockade of Gaza and launched a ground operation in the enclave, also carrying out strikes on targets in the Strip and certain areas of Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also taking place in the West Bank.

Al-Quds Brigades snipers two "Israeli" occupation soldiers in Gaza

Al-Quds Brigades snipers two "Israeli" occupation soldiers in Gaza

"Why Israel REALLY Invaded Gaza" - The Shocking Truth behind the Genocide

"Why Israel REALLY Invaded Gaza" - The Shocking Truth behind the Genocide


Death toll from Israeli strikes on Gaza Strip nears 26,500 — health ministry

65,087 people have suffered wounds

CAIRO, January 28. /TASS/. The death toll from Israel’s strikes on the Gaza Strip since October 7 is approaching 26,500, the Palestinian enclave’s health ministry said.

"The number of those killed as a result of Israel’s aggression since October of last year has risen to 26,422, and 65,087 people have suffered wounds," the ministry said in a statement posted on its Telegram channel.

According to it, "at least 165 people have been killed in the enclave and 290 have been wounded alone in the past 24 hours."

Tensions flared up again in the Middle East on October 7 after militants from the Gaza Strip-based radical Palestinian group Hamas launched a surprise incursion on Israeli territory, killing many Israeli kibbutz residents living near the Gaza border and abducting more than 200 Israelis, including women, children and the elderly. Hamas described its attack as a response to Israeli authorities’ aggressive actions against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City. Israel declared a total blockade of the Gaza Strip and launched bombardments of the enclave and some areas in Lebanon and Syria, as well as a ground operation against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Clashes are also reported in the West Bank.