Freemasons: CHIP the Children



Why Are the Freemasons Collecting Our Children's DNA?

You know them as MasoniChip, or perhaps you've been led to believe it was a state and provincial endeavor intended to protect your little ones. They set up fairs, forge partnerships with law enforcement and even strive to distribute their services through North American public school systems.In Massachusetts this Freemason program was promoted by CBS News from the steps of the official State House and included their police dog, coincidentally named Mason. Reporters only failed to mention the private nod to those promoting him or that government had little to do with it.

By Amy MacPherson, Contributor

Investigative Journalist, Researcher

Sep 26, 2012, 07:37 AM EDT

|Updated Nov 26, 2012

Conspiracy theorists need theorize no more. In pages from a fiction novel brought to life, the strangest twists in popular folklore have been winding through our government corridors. In this case I wouldn't blame you for being tempted to run it by Snopes.

Fabled as a secret society, Freemasons see themselves as an esoteric fraternity; an ancient brotherhood of initiates who are voted into membership for the purpose of sharing enlightenment through the use of exclusive teachings.

They are not a religious group and yet elevated status can be obtained through invitation to the various esteemed Rites and the legendary Knights Templar. That full proper title is The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta.

It is argued they find their roots in an historical Christian militia, which once upon a time nearly bankrupted the Vatican. Despite an effort to distance themselves from politics and religion in modern times, Scandinavian branches to this day will only permit entry of fellow Christian worshippers. Women remain forbidden although there's good news for slaves and the disabled -- who may have overcome discrimination after a thousand years of human rights progression.

On the Grand Lodge of Canada website, they continue to affirm this illusive aura with statements like the following:

"Freemasonry is a fraternal association of men of good and high ideals but it is not a public association. "Private" is a more appropriate description than "secret" and as with many organizations, certain information is reserved for members only."

So why then is an exclusive group collecting our children's DNA, with support of police and the government across the USA and Canada?