FACT CHECK – 70% of Covid-19 deaths are among the VACCINATED population; not the unvaccinated population as falsely claimed by Boris Johnson, the BBC & Sky News

April 12 – Vaccines “Greatest Crime Against Humanity in History”

HenryMakow.com – April 12, 2023

April 12 – Vaccines “Greatest Crime Against Humanity in History”

Feminist and honest Jew, Naomi Wolf calls “vaccines” the “greatest crime against humanity in history.”

Start at 9 min.

Over 2500 experts in medical field responded to call to analyse 55,000 pages of internal Pfizer documents which showed, one month after rollout, that Pfizer and the FDA knew the “vaccines” did not prevent transmission of “COVID” but actually caused it, created heart damage in young adults one week after vax, and lipidnanoparticples and spike proteins spread out from injection site to infect all organs including brain, liver, spleen and women’s ovaries. There is no mechanism where body can shed these toxins from ovaries.

Pfizer had to hire 2400 staffers to process reports of adverse reactions. In spite of this, or rather because of it, people were pressured into taking this poison.

Strokes are skyrocketing in young people – Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines showed safety signals for strokes as early as November 2021, but these were ignored.

Strokes are skyrocketing in young people - Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines showed safety signals for strokes as early as November 2021, but these were ignored.?

April 12 – Vaccines “Greatest Crime Against Humanity in History”