Electric Car Dangers



Electric cars release more toxic emissions than petrol-powered vehicles and are worse for the environment

Electric vehicles may release more pollution than petrol-powered vehicles, according to a report that has recently resurfaced.

The study, which was published in 2022 but has begun circulating again after being cited in a WSJ op-ed, found that brakes and tyres release 1,850 times more particulate matter compared to modern exhaust pipes which have filters that reduce emissions.

It found that EVs are 30 percent heavier on average than petrol-powered vehicles, which causes the brakes and tyre treads to wear out faster than standard cars and releases tiny, often toxic particles into the atmosphere.

Continued at link.

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Tesla opponents want to storm factory sites

Protest against Tesla in Grünheide, large-scale operation for the police! Left-wing radicals will demonstrate against the electric car factory by Sunday. The action escalated on Friday.

Some demonstrators stormed over the tracks of the factory railway and overcame wild fences, there were wrangles with the police. Tesla opponents were dragged across the floor. A police spokesman described the situation as „ dynamic “. The police used pepper spray and batons.

At least one woman was injured in the protests around the factory premises, as were three police officers. Several people had medical treatment on site.

Officials actually secured railroad tracks, power and water lines and a substation in the vicinity of the car factory. Nevertheless, demonstrators made the breakthrough. The area is simply too spacious to secure all possible places.

To this end, the chaots apparently divided into two groups on Friday to confuse the police. Again and again they stormed towards the approximately 300 hectare site.

Officials from the Berlin and Brandenburg police and federal police prevented them from advancing further. The police temporarily arrested demonstrators. The number of these so-called detention measures is in the single-digit range, said a police spokesman on Friday afternoon. There have also been multiple announcements to discard the mixture.

In the afternoon, the situation calmed down for the time being. A large number of Tesla opponents started their way back to the protest camp on the country road, said a police spokesman. This led to disputes with the emergency services and isolated arrests.

Upon request, a spokeswoman and a spokesman for various protest groups involved also described that demonstrators had left the forest on the site.

Suddenly the demo participants sprinted away

The day started with a registered elevator by the Tesla opponents in the protest camp in Grünheide. The demonstration train was to run the L23 down to the Tesla factory. According to the police, the entire train at the Fangschleuse station suddenly disbanded. Hundreds of participants sprinted to the right and left of the street into the forest and wanted to overcome the fences to the factory premises.

According to police spokesman Heinemann, this was not possible. At first it remained unclear whether the demonstrators trampled down a toad protection fence.

The police were deployed with a large contingent, including hundreds from several federal states. Water cannons and a clearing tank were also available at the Tesla plant, but were initially not used. Heinemann did not want to say how many officials were deployed, referring to the „ ongoing police measures “.

Even more seat blocks and interference actions

► In addition to the storm on the Tesla site, there was also a seat blockade on country road 23 near the plant. Around 70 people blocked the road and the exit of the A10 motorway, the police said. Some activists stuck to the street, others laid tree trunks as obstacles on the street.

► Around noon, a group of people managed to get to the site of the Neuhardenberg airfield. Hundreds of Teslas are parked there. According to the police, they blocked the access road near the main gate, pyrotechnics were detonated. In addition, some of the Tesla opponents are said to have stuck to vehicles.

1200 Tesla opponents have gathered

The Tesla opponents have been trying to attack the factory since Thursday. In a circus tent on the Grünheider festival meadow (Brandenburg) and in the square in front of it, the activists practiced seat blockades and action against a police chain. Your plan: move to the car factory on Friday and Saturday.

The police also fear attacks such as those that occurred on Tesla's power supply in March. The responsible „ volcano group “ explained on the Internet that „ is looking forward to an exciting week of action “ and that „ has many opportunities for corporations like Tesla to attack “!

Security level 1 has been in the Grünheide forest and lake community since Thursday Berlin. Police cars are available at every seat and at every intersection. Water cannons secure access and entrances to the Tesla factory, equestrian squadrons patrol the forest.

On the Grünheider Festwiese, demonstrators from all over Germany and Europe gathered yesterday in the protest camp against the car plant – 1200 Tesla opponents registered.

The demonstrators set up tents. Flags of Palestine and, slightly alienated, the terrorist group RAF are waving. The loudspeaker system has an inventory number of the Asta of the TU Berlin.

Background: on the 16th. In May Grünheide's municipal council is to approve the development plan for the expansion of the car factory. „ We will influence the community representatives that this does not happen “, said Manu Hoyer of the Grünheide citizens' initiative.

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Not so much a danger as just yet another disadvantage of electric vehicles, limited range etc....

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Article dated May 2023:

5 injured after e-bike battery catches fire in San Francisco apartment

Five people were hurt Tuesday morning at a fire at an apartment building in San Francisco's Sunset District, firefighters said.

The fire affected two units at the Avalon Sunset Towers and was caused by a lithium-ion battery powering an e-bike, according to San Francisco Fire Capt. Jonathan Baxter.

At least one person jumped out of the window from the second floor, Baxter said.

Three of the five people hurt were still recovering at the hospital.

One woman who lives next door said she has been awake since 1 a.m. when it all started.

"I mean, it's terrifying," Max Ferman said. "We all have pets in the building. How do we get our pets to safety? it's scary to have this happen and not be a test. This was the real deal, right in my building."

Baxter said eight people are now displaced from their apartments and the Red Cross is assisting.

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Internal combustion engine cars have dangers too, people are just so used to it that they don't realise it anymore.


  1. The fact that cars; lorries; etc., do not only give out poisonous gases that are causing the green-house effect: each and every one of the many millions of them also give-off a great deal of extra and un-natural heat, to help warm-up the Earth inside the green-house effect that they have caused and thereby melt the ice-caps faster and drastically change the climate, with horrifying results.

It is only fair that all these things should be explained to Joe public, in words that he can understand, so that he can decide for himself whether to stop his love-affair with the motor-car, etc., or continue to poison himself and die, SOON . That is the reason for this Booklet.

To hopefully help add some further perspective:

Most people don't know that after all that extraction, transportation, refining and transporting again that is needed to provide fuel for cars and lorries at the pump - all of which wastes a tremendous amount of energy and creates a whole lot of air pollution - only about 30% of the energy of the fuel that is burned by a car or lorry, actually makes it to the wheels to drive the vehicle.

This is because most of the energy (60%-80% of it) that is contained in the end product (i.e. petrol/gasoline, diesel or other) is wasted when the fuel is burned, and is lost as heat. There are also losses due to friction of the moving parts of the engine and drivetrain (gearbox) that reduce the efficiency of ICE vehicles. If it's an automatic transmission, the losses are even greater. The end result of this can be that only 20% of the energy makes it to the wheels. The rest is lost and is expelled in the exhaust gas as heat.

EV's don't need to use gears, so there is no loss of energy due to the drivetrain having to include an inefficient gearbox (manual or auto) so that power is used to drive the wheels instead. They also don't emit a lot of unnatural heat (when all goes well that is).

The truth is that ICE vehicles are terribly inefficient, whereas EV technology makes way better use of energy to propel the vehicle:

Petrol vs electric

One thing that’s easy to deal with quickly is the efficiency comparison between EVs and conventional cars, because EVs in general are massively superior.

Combustion engines work by converting fuel into heat, the expanding gases powering the engine. More than half of that heat is wasted and even the very best petrol engine only converts around 40% of the energy in the fuel into work, which means 60% is destined to become waste heat. It’s a sobering thought that for every £10 spent on petrol or diesel, less than £5 is actually contributing to moving the car.

In contrast, an EV’s electric motor converts more than 90% of the electrical energy it consumes into useful work, so its efficiency is more than 90%. Add to that the fact that the electric motor can recover some of the energy it puts into moving the car by generating electricity as it slows, and the efficiency improves still further.

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I’m quite interested to know what @ThePrisoner thinks and has to say about JFs excellent posts about combustion engines, please.

For sure internal combustion engines are primitive, what is it some 130 years old tech nowadays? But don't assume TPTB want a real technological solution, which is why water power car inventors invariably end up dead and one of their guys - Elon Musk is allowed to make a fortune from EV's. The NWO Cabal can't make a buck from water powered engines, whereas they do benefit from providing electricity to power EV's.