Controlled Opposition

Ka$h and Friends Making Bank in the Narrative Network | Amazing Polly

Legitimate "truthers" (not identified as controlled-op) are increasingly talking about a psyop term that is being cast upon them as a slur. They are being told they are "black-pilled" when not appealing to the hopium of the MAGA crowd and when recognizing that things are not getting better, but getting worse and increasingly more dangerous on every level. One is considered black-pilled if they do not go along with the Trump, Elon and / or the RFKjr agenda that is supposedly going to help humanity. It is not easy seeing through the lies and when one does they are then trampled on by people who would otherwise support them (one would think). Here is the definition of black-pilled:

"Black-pilled" refers to a belief system where individuals accept a pessimistic view of life, often feeling that they cannot change their circumstances and may even consider suicide as a result. It embodies a sense of nihilism and defeatism regarding social interactions and relationships.

So, when one sees through all the "shitake", they are told they are negative, depressing, and a whole range of other derogatory names . More divide and conquer if you ask me.

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Isaac Kappy blew the whistle years ago, exposing fake conservatives as unregistered foreign agents for Mossad

Looks like TPV deserves the fate of being in the Controlled Opposition thread. After listening to this video by The People's Voice titled Trump Orders FBI to Investigate Bill Gates for 'Blitzing America With Toxic Chemtrails', it appears the title is more than clickbait. There is no evidence that anyone will be held accountable and RFKjr has been shown to be a gatekeeper. That is how it looks. Please feel free to comment and / or disagree. There is no evidence of trials of any kind or Nuremberg-like trial to come as he infers. The report presented on TPV by Sean Adl-Tabatabai provides false hope and keeps the people passive whilst the high-level crimes continue under further restraints and orders upon the people by gov't. In the episode he includes a clip of a speech by Trump which I posted previously here. In it Trump refers to "spraying", but unlike TPV that views this as positive exposure of chemtrails for the good; Trump is associating spraying with autism; no mention of vax induced autism.

Yeah he has really jumped aboard the Trump train.....

Thank-you. I have not been following him lately.

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Another sketchy TPV report is online, with this one about the suspicious death of actor Gene Hackman, his wife and their dog. The report provides a sketchy voice over by a supposed FBI whistleblower saying Hackman was about to expose Epstein and the associated crimes. Unlike the suspicious deaths of famous people like Anne Heche, Matthew Perry and Halyna Hutchins who were prior to their deaths either through a book or media were reportedly planning to actually expose child-trafficking and there is relatively reliable evidence of their planned exposure, I cannot find any such evidence about Hackman. To the contrary, fact checkers and even Alex Jones can be found on MSM reporting that Hackman was absolutely not on the Epstein list. Hmmm. How do they know when even our gov't admits to not being provided the necessary information to release to the public. Just another massive cover-up by the media, controlled alt-truth media and the gov't. Sad to say but true.

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