Controlled Opposition

Red string wearer Tucker Carlson is just two seats away from Trump at the RNC (Republican National Convention) this week. He must hold a high position in the Trump circle. Is it a sign that he will be given a position in Trump's cabinet? The word is that he will be the Press Secretary.

It was Donald Trump who led his followers to attend his January 6, 2020 pro-Trump protest that turned into a trap. Some were jailed.



What is going on? Rick Wiles of TruNews who previously exposed Trump for all his Zionist connections including Big Pharma as "father of the vaccines", has put forth a pledge stating support of Trump. Rick Wiles is running for Congress in his State of Florida.

11. I will stand with President Donald Trump to make America great again.

This is the pledge in full:

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Controlled Opposition - Alex Jones

I preferred him as Bill Hicks.....


Tommy Robinson Exposed | Dollar Vigilante

Vengeance belongs to [Father] the "I AM" and not to Trump the "father of vaccines"

Deuteronomy 32:35 To Me [belongeth] vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in [due] time: for the day of their calamity [is] at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.
Commandment: YOU shall love, honour, cherish and obey the Lord your God (love, good and truth) with ALL your heart, with ALL your mind, with ALL your soul and with ALL your strength and Him ONLY shall you serve and OBEY, forsaking ALL others.


The Controlled-Op Game - The 'Gay' Way Pundit

"Jim and Joe (((Hoft))), Gateway Pundit, etc. are role players in the controlled opposition game... They do not share your values... Unless you're a subversive jew faggot, then they absolutely share those values." - DL.



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Fake Revolutions Everywhere You Look

Video transcript:

Elon Musk has just made a post on his social media platform that is so astonishingly ridiculous and awful that it needs its own article.

Musk tweeted a graphic containing lines that Palestine supporters have been using when opposing Israel’s genocide in Gaza, but used it to frame himself as standing on the side of the resistance against a tyrannical oppressor. It reads as follows:

You watched “The Hunger Games” and sided with the resistance.

You watched “Star Wars” and sided with the resistance.

You watched “The Matrix” and sided with the resistance.

You watched “Divergent” and sided with the resistance.

You watched “V for Vendetta” and sided with the resistance.

When it’s fiction you understand. Yet you refuse to see it when it’s the reality you’re living in.


It’s hard to be sure what’s going on in Musk’s sluggish mind, but at the moment he appears to be referring to the white supremacist rioting that’s been occurring in the United Kingdom, which he has come under fire for enthusiastically supporting. It really doesn’t matter, though, since there’s no way a billionaire Pentagon contractor who’s been forcefully backing Israel in its genocidal atrocities in Gaza could possibly be considered a part of any kind of resistance.

There are fake revolutions everywhere you look. This happens all the time these days: people who are inextricably intertwined with establishment power structures posturing as brave revolutionaries leading a resistance against the very establishment they themselves are a part of. Elon Musk is no more a part of any “resistance” than Joe Biden or Bill Gates, but his sycophantic fanboys will mindlessly gobble this garbage up like popcorn chicken.

They serve up fake revolutions to stop you from waging a real one. Here, fall in line with this billionaire military-industrial complex plutocrat, he’s leading the resistance. Here, fall in line with this oligarch-backed presidential candidate, he’s waging a populist war against the Deep State to Make America Great Again.

Don’t like right wingers? No problem! Join progressive Democrats like Bernie Sanders and AOC who’ll support the same establishment interests as Elon Musk and Donald Trump, but they’ll do so while paying lip service to social justice and equality to make you feel nice inside.

More of an independent? Support RFK Jr who has pledged “unconditional support” to the state of Israel but is totally gonna end the wars and fight corruption!

The more discontented the populace grows with status quo politics, the more you’ll see the empire which benefits from status quo politics serving up fake revolutions for people to throw their political energy into so that nothing ever changes. They don’t just control both parties, they control the top political factions which claim to oppose the establishment in both parties. They don’t just control the opposition, they control the opposition to the controlled opposition.

They’re able to pull off this scam because most people don’t lucidly understand the difference between fact and narrative. Human psychology tends to be so intimately wrapped around mental stories that it’s often hard to differentiate between someone who’s telling a story about being an enemy of the establishment and someone who’s actually working against the interests of establishment power.

The trick is to ignore the words and watch the actions. Is someone being elevated to prominence by the very establishment they claim to oppose? If they are, they’re not its enemy. Are they taking meaningful concrete actions which go against the planet-dominating interests of the US-centralized empire we live under? If they’re not, then they’re not part of any meaningful “resistance”. Are they playing to either side of the two-party scam, both sides of which are complete tools of imperial control? If they are, then they’re not an enemy of the powerful. Are they constantly feeding into partisan feuding and divisive culture war wedge issues which threaten the powerful in no meaningful way? If they are, then the powerful are cool with them.

Don’t let these pricks draw you in. Focus your political energy on opposing the actual mechanisms which hold the actual power structure in place: War. Militarism. Propaganda. Oligarchy. Exploitation. Tyranny. Ecocide. Government secrecy. Help get people focused on the raw nuts and bolts of the imperial machine instead of the empty diversionary narrative fluff they’re being encouraged to focus on.

If we can get enough people ignoring the sideshow distractions and focusing on the actual machine that is the real source of their discontent, we stand a real chance at dismantling this thing. Letting the revolutionary zeitgeist get bogged down in fake revolutions waged by fake resistance fighters will keep us chasing shadows until these bastards get us all killed.

Elon Musk Exposed

Bethan Nodwell exposing Tommy Robinson

Recording from June 2024. It appears Tommy Robinson's 'sobriety' that he boasted about has been completely obliterated. According to these very serious allegations, he went on a drink and drug fueled bender in Canada and visited numerous prostitutes. The trip was such a calamity an arrest was then concocted to bail out the financial disaster enfolding.

Old Habits Die Hard: Tommy’s Tour of Canada Goes from Bad To Worse

A leading figure on the Canadian far-right has publicly accused Stephen Lennon (AKA Tommy Robinson) of a drug fueled binge, spending time with sex workers and using his arrest as a way to raise money after embarrassing ticket sales for his tour.

In recent hours explosive allegations about Lennon’s activities in Canada have been made by the Canadian far-right activist Bethan Nodwell. Nodwell was one of the organisers of the so-called Freedom Convoy which protested measures to combat COVID-19.

The Canadian Anti-Hate Network has previously exposed how she has denied the Holocaust and claimed that “white identitarianism is inevitable.” Despite this, it seems Lennon had a dinner with Nodwell upon his arrival in Montreal that quickly descended into a drug-fuelled bender.

Nodwell claims that while intoxicated Lennon let slip that he was aware he would be arrested and that plans were put in place to raise money to make up for the lack of ticket sales for his speaking tour.

Lennons Arrest

Stephen Lennon (AKA Tommy Robinson) arrived in Montréal last week for the start of a high-profile speaking tour organised by his former employer Rebel Media. He was also due to meet and record a podcast with Canadian right-wing-oddball, Jordan Peterson.

Lennon has always seen North America as a land of milk and honey; a source of friendship and most importantly funds. However, his eye-watering list of convictions has proven a hurdle to him fully exploiting his support across the Atlantic.

In 2012 he was imprisoned after attempting to enter the United States on a false passport. As such it was a little surprising when he arrived in Canada last week without a problem. “I didn’t think I’d get into Canada. Haven’t even booked a hotel. We’re sorting it out now,” he said to Rebel Media upon entering the country.

However, his relief didn’t last long. On Friday, the Canadian Anti-Hate Network wrote a letter to Public Safety and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, “pointing out that Robinson was ineligible to enter Canada because of his criminal record and urging that he be removed from the country.”

Lennon was arrested by Calgary Police shortly after on an outstanding immigration warrant, made to surrender his passport and told he must stay in southern Alberta until the matter is resolved. The restrictions on his movement have thrown his planned speaking events in Edmonton and Toronto into doubt.

Unsurprisingly, Ezra Levant, the founder of Rebel Media and former employer of Lennon, sprang into action with customary speed, launching a fundraiser and ‘Free Tommy Robinson’ t-shirts within moments of the arrest. Luckily for Levant, he could simply reuse the website he has used numerous times before to raise money for Lennon’s various legal woes.

Upon his release by the police Lennon looked genuinely rattled and expressed concern about how long he may be forced to stay in Canada before his likely expulsion.

Explosive Accusations

However, since his arrest a leading figure on the Canadian far-right has publicly attacked Lennon and made a series of damaging allegations.

Nodwell claims that Lennon arranged for a group to go for a curry at a restaurant owned by the cousin of someone he knows in the UK, where things reportedly got out of hand soon after their arrival. “That’s when somebody broke out the cocaine,” she said on a live stream, “then out came the vodka cokes and the next thing you know a dragon had been unleashed in this man [Lennon] […] He went missing from the hotel, people were panicking.”

Nodwell then claims to have contacted the restaurant owner and purveyor of drugs who provided them “with the number of a massage parlour,” where Lennon was supposedly hiding out.

However, most explosively, Nodwell claims that Lennon’s arrest was somehow part of a plan to raise money in light of embarrassingly poor ticket sales for his tour.

“While we were coming back into the hotel, he’s [Tommy] like ‘Right, [the] tour’s over, we’ve sold no tickets’, I think they had sold like 60 tickets.” This is well short of the sales required to make the $80,000 Nodwell claims they aimed to make from the tour.

She then explains how they planned to make up the shortfall. “I’m going to Calgary, I’m going to get nicked and then the tour is over,” said Lennon, according to Nodwell. “And then when I saw that arrest last night […] I was like “that’s what he meant!”. Oh and then the ‘Save Tommy’ thing was out. They had a domain name, they had it ready to go. […] I’m like “that’s how you make your $80,000 folks”, right there.”

She finished her explanation of events by encouraging people not to donate to Lennon’s fundraiser and questions his often quoted dedication to protecting women. “Close up your wallet, you are being had. Tommy, if you are doing drugs and you are doing drugs with prostitutes, you’re not defending women, who runs these brothels? […] You’re exploiting women and you’re supposed to be out there defending our white girls from Rotherham? That was the line for me. You’re actually betraying us.”


NEW AGE CLOWN SHOW | Alistair Williams

It could be staged.

It's possible, not so sure Stew Peters isn't controlled, he fell for the Trump Assassination, which is why I don't feature him much nowadays, but he still does call out the Jews...

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Yep. Stew Peters is looking more and more like Controlled Op which was why I hesitated to post the video when I first viewed it a few days ago. Agreed he calls out the "Jews", but I recently saw a video where Tucker Carlson was communicating along the lines of being a holocaust denier and the presenter who was a Zionist was upset about it. Quite a few of the popular alt-media are "calling out the jews", i.e. Candace Owens. I am beginning to suspect an underlying agenda amongst this group or is it something else. Hard to tell at this point.

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Better to rely on people like David Duke and Bro Nathanael who have been doing it for years, still with the whole Gaza genocide maybe attitudes are changing.