One of the reason that I've posted about AI here has been to show and warn.
Just a quick note to be prepared:
will soon be able to generate photorealistic images of just about anything.
propagandists are spreading pictures
AI generated video is coming fast, so be aware. Soon it will be much harder to know what is real and what is fake.
I did not post it to provoke.
I did not post for us to marvel upon it.I posted it to give a powerful and easily relatable demonstration of AI in order to educate and give insight into what AI is capable of and what it implies.
Heads up,
In a few months or so it will be possible to mimic their look too (moving video, realistic looking people etc)
We do not know the motives behind the channels. What is they are for instance a part of Project Bluebeam and subtly shift the narrative when they have enough followers?
Another is that just like with these computers which are a neccesary evil AI can be used for good and using it is also a way of learning to know your enemy etc...