Censorship - Is Censorship Sweeping the Nation?

‘Julian Assange is free’: Wikileaks founder freed in deal with US

Assange to plead guilty to one charge of espionage and return home to Australia after decades fighting US extradition.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been freed from prison in the United Kingdom and is on his way home to Australia after agreeing to plead guilty to a single charge of breaching the espionage law in the United States.

Assange, 52, will plead guilty to one count of conspiring to obtain and disclose classified US national defence documents, according to a filing in the US District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands.

He was freed from the UK’s high-security Belmarsh prison on Monday and taken to the airport whre he flew out of the country. Assange will appear at a court in Saipan, a US Pacific territory at 9am on Wednesday (23:00 GMT on Tuesday) where he will be sentenced to 62 months of time already served.

“Julian Assange is free,” Wikileaks said in a statement posted on X.

“He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stanstead airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK.”

“Julian is free!!!!” wife Stella wrote on X. “Words cannot express our immense gratitude to YOU – yes, YOU, who have all mobilised for years and years to make this come true. THANK YOU. THANK YOU, THANK YOU.”


By allowing the US government to compel Julian Assange to plead guilty to a crime he did not commit, America has condemned itself to be a land where telling the truth is a crime.

America's Dark Day

Julian Assange is soon scheduled to appear before a US Court on the island of Saipan, where he is expected to plead guilty to a single violation of the Espionage Act, namely conspiring to obtain and disclose national defense information.


Assange's wife Stella says that even as the world celebrates Julian's freedom today, freedom of speech remains at risk. And this precedent will be used against the press in the future. - Russia Today.


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Thank-you. Remarque is spot-on as usual.

Ireland’s proposed hate speech law could ‘censor the entire internet,’ experts warn


Michael Shellenberger is an American bestselling author and journalist, who has broken major stories including the “Twitter Files”. He gave the keynote speech at the Ireland Free Speech Summit, which was held in Trinity College Dublin on Tuesday June 18. The event was hosted by Free Speech Ireland and supported by ADF International.


Irish Senators Rónán Mullen and Sharon Keogan, and Lorcán Price, Irish barrister, human rights expert and legal counsel for ADF International, discuss the Irish "Hate Speech Bill", which poses a significant threat to free expression - both in Ireland, and across the internet. The bill would make it an offence to possess (for distribution) material that could lead to undefined “hatred” in Ireland, with punishment of up to 5 years in prison. The 2024 Free Speech Summit took place in Dublin on 18th June.

Ireland’s Hate Speech Bill will have a global impact on what we can discuss online

Ireland’s new Hate Speech Bill offers no clear definition of what “hate” entails. Experts warn this could pave the way for the criminal prosecution of a wide range of expression considered unfavourable by authorities.

The Bill, officially known as the Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill 2022, has passed through the lower house of the Irish parliament, the Dáil Éireann, and is currently at the Third Stage, or Committee Stage, in the upper house, the Seanad Éireann.

“The world is watching Ireland. The censorial ‘hate speech bill’, if passed, would not only shut down conversation nationally – as the home of various international social media headquarters, it would have a global impact on what we can all discuss online,” Michael Shellenberger said.

Shellenberger was speaking at the Ireland Free Speech Summit, which was held in Trinity College Dublin on Tuesday 18 June 2024 and hosted by Free Speech Ireland and supported by ADF International. The Summit saw a gathering of global voices for free speech expressing their concern about the pending Irish “Hate Speech” Bill.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken admits in the wide open federal government's plans to use AI to censor Americans' speech

They are no longer hiding their agenda of total control over what type of news Americans have access to on the Internet.

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken admitted last week that the State Department is preparing to use artificial intelligence to “combat disinformation,” amidst a massive government-wide AI rollout that will involved the cooperation of Big Tech and other private-sector partners.

At a speaking engagement streamed last week with the State Department’s chief data and AI officer, Matthew Graviss, Blinken gushed about the “extraordinary potential” and “extraordinary benefit” AI has on our society, and “how AI could be used to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals which are, for the most part, stalled.”

He was referring to the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development goals, which represent a globalist blueprint for a one-world totalitarian system. These goals include the gai-worshipping climate agenda, along with new restrictions on free speech, the freedom of movement, wealth transfers from rich to poor countries, and the digitization of humanity. Now Blinken is saying these goals could be jumpstarted by employing advanced artificial intelligence technologies.

Listen to Blinken, in the video below, openly describe how the government will use AI to clamp down on the free speech of citizens. (Fast-forward to the 3-minute mark and watch through the 7:07 mark.) https://www.youtube.com/live/zTsEHrwDR4c?si=ovfWz-tXyZk4mMyz

Blinken bluntly stated the federal government’s intention to use AI for ”media monitoring” and “using it to combat disinformation, one of the poisons of the international system today.”

Don’t ever say they didn’t warn us. They are no longer hiding their agenda, but you have to search for it. When you find it, in posts like this, share it. Because the corporate media keeps these outrageous statements from high government officials hidden from we the people. Have you seen any stories from CNN or Fox News on the government’s self-admitted plan to use AI to censor our speech? I haven’t either.


The Dead Internet Theory (Complete Edition)

The Dead Internet Theory suggests that a big chunk of what we see online isn't genuine – it's made by machines and influencers to shape our opinions. It's like finding out someone's been lying to you for years without you even realizing it. This theory hits a nerve with many who feel something's off about the internet but can't quite put their finger on it.
According to this theory, AI and influencers churn out most of what we see online, steering us towards certain products and ideas. This fake content has replaced the genuine human connections the internet was built on. Social media, once a place for real conversations, is now dominated by algorithms that reward sameness and punish diversity of thought.
The Dead Internet Theory also warns us about the rise of bots and algorithms, which control what we see and think online. Experts even predict that by the mid-2020s, almost all internet content will be generated by AI. These technologies can mimic human speech so well that it's hard to tell them apart from real people. This means our online conversations might not be as genuine as we think.
In short, the internet isn't what it used to be. It's become a place where machines and powerful interests control what we see and say. If we want to reclaim the internet as a space for real human connection and ideas, we'll need to push back against these forces and demand transparency and accountability online.

One in 10 Scots listed on secret police database despite many committing no crime

Figures show over 500,000 adults and children are recorded on the Scottish Intelligence Database, which was launched 21 years ago.

One in 10 people is on a top secret police computer system – despite many having committed no crime. Figures show the names of 508,682 adults and children are recorded on the ­Scottish ­Intelligence Database (SID).

The system, launched 21 years ago by the Scottish Government to target groups, was set up so information could be shared between the then-eight regional forces and newly-formed ­Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency (SCDEA).

But in recent years, its use has widened to include the details of people suspected of lower level offences or information about non-criminal incidents. These can range from disputes to general reports of suspicious behaviour.


UK Government Uses Riots To Persecute Social Media Users! | Tim Truth


FBI conducts raid at former UN inspector Scott Ritter's home - 7th August 2024

Scott Ritter claims search of home is related to 'foreign agent’ law

FBI and State Police spent hours at the Bethlehem residence of the former UN weapons inspector. Ritter, whose passport was seized in June, denies violations.


FBI agents and State Police on Wednesday descended on the home of Scott Ritter, a former United Nations weapons inspector who in June had his passport seized by the U.S. Department of State as he attempted to fly to Russia for a conference.

Shortly before noon, marked State Police vehicles and unmarked law enforcement cars lined up near Ritter’s Dover Drive home. Just before 5 p.m., authorities carried more than two dozen boxes out of the house.

After the agents and officers drove away, Ritter emerged from the home and briefly spoke with reporters. Dressed in shorts and a T-shirt with an image of the character Inigo Montoya from the 1987 fairy tale comedy “Princess Bride” on it, Ritter said the investigators were there to execute a search warrant “related to concerns apparently the U.S. government has about violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.” That federal law requires individuals and entities that represent foreign interests in the United States to register with the Department of Justice and disclose their activities.

Ritter said the search warrant allowed agents to look for electronic equipment in his home. “They were clearly interested in communications that I’ve had with people related to the work that I do,” Ritter said. “That’s all I can say about it. It’s up to them to review it.”

Ritter maintains an active online presence, writing articles critical of U.S. foreign policy toward Russia and appearing on podcasts friendly to his views.

He said he has nothing to hide and that he cooperated with investigators.

“There’s no doubt that I’m being targeted because of statements I’ve made about U.S. policy in Ukraine. I’m being targeted because I have made an effort to try and improve relations between the United States and Russia to bring about arms control to bring about peace,” Ritter said.

He said he has no ill will toward the agents who carried out the search but that “I do have complaints against the personnel who caused this to happen. This has a chilling effect on free speech, the idea that you have a free speech right in America but when you execute in a manner that the U.S. takes exception to and they launch a search warrant, that’s an intimidation factor.

“I can say that I am not intimidated and I will continue to speak out and I will continue to do what I do because that’s my responsibility as an American citizen,” Ritter said.

The FBI confirmed “law enforcement activity in connection with an ongoing federal investigation,” but declined further comment. State Police said troopers were aiding the investigation.

FBI spokeswoman Sarah Ruane arrived at Ritter’s house just before 4 p.m. and told the assembled media that no one was in custody and that she could not provide information beyond the bureau’s initial statement. She was seen speaking with an FBI attorney at the scene before entering the house.

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More from Scott Ritter on the FBI raid of his home 7th August 2024

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Former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter Raided by FBI

Former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter Raided by FBI

UK Arrests 55 Year Old Woman For Posting "Inaccurate" Information On Social Media

Alarming actions taken by the UK government as it begins arresting citizens for posting "inaccurate information" on social media during the protests. We focus on a recent case involving the arrest of a 55-year-old woman in Cheshire and what this means for freedom of speech in Britain. The government's tactics aim to instill fear and silence dissent, raising concerns about the erosion of democratic values and the potential rise of dictatorship-like control. Is the age of open dialogue in danger?

More from Scott Ritter on the FBI raid on his home - provides a copy of the search warrant

Public notice to DGTV viewers:

Due to the UK blocking viewership of what they consider censurable content (3 videos recently uploaded were not viewable in UK due to ISP censorship) the content that normally would go to DGTV will now be going to GodTaughtMeHow's channel. If you have not already subscribed to that channel, you can do so here:


Full Interview: Scott Ritter Responds to the FBI Raid on his House