Catching-Up on Current Events

Rishi Sunak announces compulsory national service for all 18-year-olds

The Prime Minister said it would “create a shared sense of purpose among our young people and a renewed sense of pride in our country”.

Teenagers will be signed up for compulsory National Service under bold new plans unveiled by Rishi Sunak on Saturday night. All 18 year olds will have to take part in some kind of civic duty by enrolling for a 12-month spell in the armed forces.

Or they could instead opt to join the police, fire service or another body that does work in the community for one weekend every month. The Prime Minister announced his eye-catching proposal as he drew up the finishing touches to his general election manifesto.

Or they could opt to join the police, fire service or other body that does work in the community for one weekend every month. The Prime Minister announced his eye-catching proposal as he drew up the finishing touches to his election manifesto.

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