Catching-Up on Current Events

Is this the event for September 24th? – A coup and the overthrow of Xi Jinping in China?

There are rumors on the net about the early resignation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, and that China is on the verge of a military coup.
China has canceled more than 6,000 domestic and international flights. All tickets sold by high-speed rail are suspended and rail traffic is completely halted. This is reported by social networks and the media.

In addition, the network is spreading information about the early resignation of Chinese President Xi Jinping from office, and that China is on the verge of a military coup.

It is noted that troops are massively transferred to Beijing. Allegedly, a column of 80 kilometers in length was seen.

Earlier it was reported that Xi Jinping urged the Chinese army to prepare for war.

Recall, US President Joe Biden said that the US military will defend Taiwan in the event of China’s invasion.

And US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken warned China of the “consequences” in the event of Russian assistance.