China preparing to kill 90% of U.S. population with “EMP Pearl Harbor” first strike attack, followed by military invasion and occupation of America

There is certainly no need for an EMP, when they have stealth methods.

China Supplies The World with "so-called" medicines – of which can be used in bio-warfare:

Excerpts from article on The New American:

The key components in 90 percent of the prescription and over-the-counter meds Americans take are sourced from a country that the Department of Defense considers a major adversary.

Other antibiotics stand in the cross hairs: bio-warfare - anthrax antidote - What if China were the anthrax attacker?” “The U.S. government turned to a European company to buy 20 million doses of the recommended treatment for anthrax exposure, doxycycline,” explains Gibson. “That company had to buy the chemical starting material from China.

Why is Big Pharma so tight-lipped about its sources? Pharmaceutical companies do not want to undermine their integrity by admitting they buy from China.

Take the case of contaminated heparin in 2007 and 2008, when 246 Americans, including some children, died, and hundreds more were seriously injured after receiving the common blood thinner, used daily in U.S. hospitals and dialysis centers. As the body count rose, the FDA investigated to discover the culprit: a toxic contaminant deliberately placed during the manufacturing process in China.

The military has strict rules about procurement of everything from weapons and ammunition to nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers; on grounds of national security, outsourcing manufacturing of these instruments of war is not an option. The same policy applies to medicines and medical supplies under the Buy American and Trade Agreement Acts, which require the Department of Defense (DoD) and Veterans Administration to negotiate with approved vendors based on price, not country of origin. For medicinal products, moreover, DoD is entirely dependent on the consumer market, inundated with ingredients from China.

Would China scruple to withhold vital antibiotics, sell placebos in place of real medicine, or even lace drugs with lethal contaminants in wartime?

These are questions The West has to ask, given what's coming out about traitor Fauci and the Wuhan lab funding, plus China possibly contaminating PPE and PCR Test – Beware of the Covid 1984 PCR test – your life depends upon it