BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic?


Bird flu is man-made, that’s why they already have a vaccine for it

By Rhoda Wilson on May 23, 2024

It has been reported that bird flu has spread from mallard ducks to cattle, poultry and recently a dolphin. This is a gain-of-function, i.e. man-made, strain, Dr. Peter McCullough told Miriam Shaw, host of Moms on a Mission. “It looks like it’s coming out of the US Poultry Research Centre in Athens, Georgia.”

After independent research discovered this particular bird flu variant was man-made, former CDC director Robert Redfield said that for bird flu to jump to humans and spread it has to be a virus developed from gain-of-function research.

They already have vaccines prepared should bird flu spread to humans. How do they already have a vaccine? It’s all based on genetic code and they know the genetic code, Dr. McCullough said.

Dr. McCullough was responding to a statement made to the press last month by World Health Organisation (“WHO”) Chief Scientist Jeremy Farrar. During his statement, Farrar expressed “great concern” that the bird flu, H5N1, “virus evolves and develops the ability to infect humans.” And “we know that … the mortality rate is extraordinarily high,” he said.

Before we get to Farrar’s full statement and Dr. McCullough’s response, let’s remind ourselves who we’re dealing with when we hear WHO’s Chief Scientist speak and what the end game is. Redacted posted a video at the beginning of last week to do just that.
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This is how they will CONTROL all of us, new WHO lockdowns plans announced | Redacted News

Seventy people in Colorado are being monitored for bird flu even though none of them are showing symptoms. Now untrustworthy Dr. Jeremy Farrar of the WHO says that they need control of all indoor spaces and farms. Odd timing, isn't it?


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Like SARS Cov 2, the virus supposedly responsible for causing the fake pandemic, the H5N1 Avian flu virus HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED so it until it is, it does not exist. Sequences of something never demonstrated are also fraud.

Dr. Jane breaks down the evidence of the fraud and the lies.



"I have not verified or corroborated the information in this video. However, It does tie in with my evidence that suggests a fake virus will be publicised soon, but that the directed energy weapons appearing to have been integrated into masts, street lighting and cameras around the world will be deliberately used to create a possible depopulation event and it be blamed on a virus." - end of quote.

This is just a quick adressing to this very interesting video. I might do a full analysis of it in the future...

I wonder what her evidence for this is?

I also wonder: who is Dr. Jane Ruby and what are her qualifications.

Is she a doctor?

Are we to trust the expertise and advice of doctors?

Or just some doctors who's words are in accordance to our beliefs?

Is she communicating truthfully, clearly, without deception or are there manipulative tricks involved? Gestures, intonations, certain words... "mind control" techniques? Neurolingquitsic programming? Would it be the same experience to just read the transcript compared? What would be the exact differences?

What are logical fallacies and does she use any in her video?

What does confirmation bias mean, and is it something to keep in mind?

What are Ruby's motivations?
Does she for instance profit financially if one of her videos goes viral? How could this be achieved?

And how are materials such as this produced?

How is this "fake plandemic" cordinated throughout the world? If bird flu is identified in for instance Finland is it just a fake news article or is the scientist in on the scam?

"All eight RNA segments were derived from an avian influenza A virus. The hemagglutinin contained multiple basic amino acids adjacent to the cleavage site, a feature characteristic of highly pathogenic avian influenza A viruses."

From the Abstract you quoted, so it seems they used computer modelling to construct the "virus" from these fragments (segments). Hardly convincing or conclusive proof. Any controls used?

It's a bit like finding a jaw bone and constructing a so-called "missing link", skeleton. They do that too - Don't trust the science.

I have re-uploaded vid to correct aspect ratio

Perhaps one day I'll investigate this more thoroughly.

One problematic thing I see in cases like these is countering science with... other science...So it doesn't completely make sense.

True :grinning: Perhaps I should have qualified it as "mainstream" science,

Finland to start bird flu vaccinations for humans, in world first

HELSINKI, June 25 (Reuters) - Finland plans to offer preemptive bird flu vaccination as soon as next week to some workers with exposure to animals, health authorities said on Tuesday, making it the first country in the world to do so.

The Nordic country has bought vaccines for 10,000 people, each consisting of two injections, as part of a joint EU procurement of up to 40 million doses for 15 nations from manufacturer CSL Seqirus (CSL.AX), opens new tab.

The European Commission said Finland would be the first country to roll out the vaccine.

"The vaccine will be offered to those aged 18 or over who are at increased risk of contracting avian influenza due to their work or other circumstances," the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) said in a statement.

The H5N1 strain of bird flu has killed or caused the culling of hundreds of millions of poultry globally in recent years and has increasingly been spreading to mammals, including cows in the United States and, in some cases, also to humans.

Finland has not detected the virus in humans, THL said.

However, the country is eager to roll out vaccinations given transmission risks posed by its fur farms.

"The conditions in Finland are very different in that we have fur farms where the animals can end up in contact with wildlife," Chief Physician Hanna Nohynek at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) told Reuters.

Widespread outbreaks of bird flu among mink and foxes at Finland's mostly open-air fur farms led to the culling last year of some 485,000 animals to stop the virus from spreading among the animals as well as to humans.

Vaccinations are likely to start as early as next week in at least some parts of Finland, a THL spokesperson told Reuters.

Finland said it procured vaccines for people it deems to be at risk, such as workers at fur and poultry farms, lab technicians who handle bird flu samples and veterinarians who work as animal control officers in regions where fur farms are located.

People working in sanctuaries caring for wild birds, in livestock farms or in the cleaning of premises, such as animal by-products processing plants, will also be offered vaccines, THL said.

If human infection of avian influenza were to occur, close contacts of a suspected or confirmed case would also be offered the vaccine, it added.

The vaccines are expected to go to lab technicians and workers with exposure to animals, including fur and poultry farmers.Finland will be the first country to offer bird flu vaccinations

Finland To Offer Bird Flu Vaccines To At-Risk Groups In Possible World-First Move

The EU is on the cusp of a major vaccine deal, with the first shipments headed to the Nordic nation.

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Government officials and big pharma executives are coming together to hold a big summit in D.C. to warn us all about a coming pandemic. Yes it's happening all over again.