WEF and WHO threaten “Disease X” The Final Push for the Pandemic Treaty and Bill Gates “Final Solution.”

The Unelected WEF and WHO are priming “Disease X” in the final push for the Pandemic Treaty and are joining forces to persuade world leaders to relinquish their sovereignty in preparation for a nonexistent virus they claim “could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic.

Disease X is a placeholder name used by the WHO to describe a disease that is as yet, “unknown to medical science as a cause of human infections” and they were not even sure whether they would introduce it as a virus, a bacterium, a fungus or other agent. Nevertheless, the WHO has been trying to alert us to an “UNKNOWN and surprise disease outbreak” which they say “could spread across the world in as little as 36 hours, killing upwards of 80 million people.”

Continued at link.