AI generated images (Dall-E, Midjourney, Stable diffusion)

Apologies, this might be controversal,

This evenings YODA (1.8) but I told the AI ChatGPT to summarize.

cybe: summarize:

The act of reaping brings rewards and leads to eternal life. Both the reaper and the sower find joy together in the harvest. Neglecting the reaping prevents the sower from experiencing the joy of their labor. If you fail to fully reap what others have sown in your life, you deny them the fruit of their hard work. Remember that there are many people who have influenced you with their words, examples, and help. It is a sacred responsibility to pass on what you have learned and use it fully. Share and spread the knowledge and kindness you have received.

cybe: Is it possible to express it shorter, please?

Reaping brings rewards and eternal life. Neglecting it denies joy to the sower. Share what you've learned from others who have influenced you. It's a sacred duty. Pass it on.

cybe: can you write a poem about this? use material from the original that I pasted

In fields of life, a tale unfolds,
He who reaps, in joy beholds,
Wages earned and fruit divine,
Everlasting life, in reaping, we find.

But heed this truth, oh, do not stray,
For careless reaping bars the way,
The sower's joy, he shall not taste,
When harvest's fruits go to waste.

The seeds of words, examples shared,
A sacred trust, with love prepared,
From workers, servants, all around,
Influence sown, a gift profound.

So, reap the lessons, far and wide,
Pass on the wisdom, deep inside,
Let gratitude and kindness bloom,
A harvest rich, that will consume.

With every breath, a legacy,
Of sowers' toil, and their decree,
In unity, their joy we'll know,
As reapers, to life's garden, go.

cybe: Is it possible to express it shorter, please?

Reaping brings rewards and eternal life. Neglecting it denies joy to the sower. Share what you've learned from others who have influenced you. It's a sacred duty. Pass it on.

Here is the original Yoda:-

He that reapeth receiveth wages and gathereth fruit unto life everlasting, that both he that reapeth and he that soweth may rejoice together.

Do you not see that if you are careless about the reaping you have prevented the harvest-joy of the sower?

If by your life and character you do not reap to the full that which they have sown, you are robbing them of the well-earned fruit of their labours.

Further learn this lesson. There are many of My workers and servants in different spheres of activity to whom you owe the seed of word or example or loving help that has influenced you.

It is a sacred trust. Use it fully. Pass-on what you have learned.

cybe: Is it possible to mix in Irish ancient legendary stories and poem style and create a new poem?

In a land of ancient lore and myth,
Where heroes' deeds, through time, do drift,
A tale of reaping and sowing's bane,
In Celtic realms, the lesson's reign.

He who reaps, from Tír na nÓg's realm,
Shall gather wages, a timeless helm,
Fruit unto life, forever shall thrive,
As immortality's spark, they contrive.

Yet heed this warning, wise and old,
In Tir na n-Óg, the tale was told,
Neglect the reaping, the harvest's plight,
Sowers' joy dims in eternal night.

Across the Sidhe, a sacred trust,
In lands of Éire, the bonds we must,
From warrior bards to fairy kin,
Seeds of wisdom, let's sow within.

The Dagda's harp, its chords resound,
A symphony of knowledge found,
In Brigid's flame, the truths ignite,
Pass on the gifts, in love's pure light.

Cú Chulainn's might, a hero's fame,
In every heart, ignites a flame,
With Scáthach's skill and Finn's embrace,
Through ages past, their wisdom traced.

So dance the jig of ancient days,
In poetic art and lyric lays,
Blend legends old with wisdom new,
In this Celtic verse, the truth imbue.


The camera pans through the dense fog of Dagobah, revealing YODA sitting on a log outside his dwelling. LUKE SKYWALKER stands before him, a look of concentration on his face. R2D2 beeps and whistles nearby, cautiously observing.

YODA: (stroking his beard) Reaping, you must learn, young Skywalker. Wages earned, and fruit of life everlasting, they bring.

LUKE: (nods) I understand, Master Yoda. The harvest's joy, both for the reaper and the sower.

R2D2: (beeps, adding emphasis)

YODA: (smiling) Patience, R2D2. Listen, you must. Prevent the joy, careless reaping does. Rob them of the fruit, well-deserved.

LUKE: (furrows his brow) So, if I don't fully embrace what others have taught me, I'm denying them the reward for their efforts?

YODA: (nods) Yes, a sacred trust it is. Seeds of word, example, and loving help, passed on, they must be.

R2D2: (softly beeps in agreement)

LUKE: (looks contemplative) But Master Yoda, some of these teachings are from legends and ancient stories. How can I merge them with my own experiences?

YODA: (clasping his hands) Mm, a blend of past and present, you shall seek. In the Celtic realms, wisdom lies. Heroes' deeds and fairy kin, woven together, they must be.

R2D2: (chimes in with careful beeps)

LUKE: (smiles) You're right, R2. There's more to learn from these tales than I imagined.

YODA: (nods) True, the Force's ways are vast and interconnected. Like Cú Chulainn's might, Finn's embrace, and Brigid's flame, let their wisdom guide you.

LUKE: (determined) I will, Master Yoda. And I'll ensure that their legacy lives on.

R2D2: (cheerful beeps)

YODA: (content) A wise decision, young Skywalker. In the poetry of your journey, the Force's essence will thrive.

As Luke and Yoda continue their training conversation, R2D2 adds its unique sounds, a harmonious blend of beeps and whistles that encapsulate the unity of the ancient legends with the present. The camera slowly zooms out, enveloping them in the mystical aura of Dagobah's beauty.


This was made to hopefully give insight of what AI can do with a relevant example.
